Tilmann Walz, MBA

In addition to his work as a lawyer, Tilmann Walz is also active as an entrepreneur. He combines his experience from both fields and develops pragmatic and focused solutions for clients.

His practice focuses on general civil and commercial law, in particular the shaping of purchasing and distribution structures. He considers law as an integral part of all commercial processes.

As part of his legal advice, Tilmann Walz therefore also supports companies in the analysis and the digitalization of processes.

  • 2001 – 2006 Legal studies in Erlangen
  • 2006 – 2008 Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Nuremberg/Fürth
  • 2008 – 2017 Noerr LLP, most recently Associated Partner in the Commercial Department
  • 2012 – 2013 MBA-studies (Master of Business Administration at the Mannheim Business School)
  • 2017 – 2019 medimove GmbH (Startup in the healthcare sector), Co-Founder / Managing Director
  • 2019 – 2020 EBA Endrös-Baum Associés
  • Since 2021 KJK Kolmann Jakobs Kramer, Associated Partner
  • Advising German and international clients on commercial law and distribution antitrust matters, in particular in connection with operational processes
  • Legal and structural advice on the design and rollout of a Europe-wide multi-channel/cross-channel retail system
  • Project management in the context of legal advice regarding the development and implementation of business models of various start-ups
  • Development and support of an ERP-based purchasing system in cooperation with the legal department and other departments of a client
  • Digitalized Economy / Industry 4.0 – Field of Contract Law (Expert Opinion by Noerr LLP on behalf of the BDI)
  • The restart of the statute of limitations in the event of a supplementary performance by the seller (original title in German: Der Neubeginn der Verjährung bei Nacherfüllung durch den Verkäufer), Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2012, p. 982 et seq. (with Dr. Michael Reiling)
  • Logistics & Law, Beware of cabotage bans – On the permissibility of domestic freight transports by foreign freight carriers (original title in German: Logistik & Recht, Vorsicht vor Kabotageverboten – Zur Zulässigkeit von inländischen Gütertransporten durch ausländische Güterverkehrsunternehmer), Logistik & Recht 2008, Heft 10
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