Dr. Alexander Seitz, LL.M. (Tel Aviv)

Alexander Seitz acts as a litigator in commercial disputes before state courts and in arbitration proceedings.

The focus of his consulting is on civil and commercial law as well as on the legal handling of major losses.

  • 2009 – 2013 Law studies at the LMU Munich
  • 2013 – 2015 Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Munich
  • 2016 – 2017 LL.M., Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • 2020 Dr. iur., Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • 2017 – 2018 Simmons & Simmons LLP
  • 2018 – 2020 EBA Endrös-Baum Associés
  • Since 2021 KJK Kolmann Jakobs Kramer, Associated Partner
  • Representation of a railroad company in a DIS arbitration proceeding regarding the enforcement of claims
  • Representation of a Danish plant manufacturer against a US/German supplier regarding the enforcement of claims for damages in an ICC arbitration proceeding
  • Advising a German chemical company on the assessment of damage to its leased fleet of chemical tank cars
  • Advising a German manufacturer of laser equipment in the context of the defense against claims for damages
  • Advising a German hotel group on insolvency law in connection with the Thomas Cook insolvency
  • Preliminary injunction for handing over a Banksy picture and subsequent enforcement of the handing over of the object
  • Legal advice to a drone manufacturer on the liability in the context of so-called drone strikes
  • The liability for Acts of God in civil law – a dogmatic distinction from the liability for random damages (original title in German: Die Zufallshaftung im Bürgerlichen Recht – eine dogmatische Abgrenzung zur Haftung für zufällig eintretende Schäden), Ergon/Nomos Verlag, 2020.
  • The right of access and reproduction of digital images of the marriage period – family law limitations of copyright (original title in German: Zugangs- und Vervielfältigungsrecht an digitalen Bildern der Ehezeit – Familienrechtliche Schranken des Urheberrechts; together with Dr. Nadja Danninger), Neue Zeitschrift für das Familienrecht (NZFam) 19/2016, pp. 868-872.
  • The Limitations of the Binding Effect of Joint Wills (original title in German: Die Grenzen der Bindungswirkung gemeinschaftlicher Testamente; together with Dr. Felix Wobst), Juristische Arbeitsblätter (JA) 7/2015, pp. 494-497.
  • No Prohibition of Dissemination of Information of Prescription-Only Medicinal Products on a Manufacturer’s Website – ECJ C-316/09, European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR) 3/2011, S. 447-449
  • German-Israeli Lawyer’s Association (DIJV)
  • DIS40
  • YAAP
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